lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2009

la no costosa Niacina es mejor que Ezetimibe(zetia)

no hemos analizado nuestra data todavia sin embargo hemos hecho todo lo que aconsejas e igual la tolerabilidad es pobre asi como la aceptacion.
Hablo de peruvians

2009/11/23 C.E.A.I. <>
SEGUN QUE ESTUDIO?   En general este medicamento tiene unos efectos adversos un tanto singulares pero NO matan a nadie. la mayoria y los mas frequentes si los administras correctamente son benignos. si le das aspirina o ibuprofeno media hora antes de que las tomen el picor o el flushing en la cara disminuyen ( es mas esos duran que 15 a 30 minutos no mas). y se recomienda que lso des con leche o alimentos tambien en la noche.
the best thing. INEXPENSIVE and it works!. if you choose the extended release formulations youll pay more.

You will remember a little of what you hear, some of what you read, considerably more of what you see but almost all of what you understand

--- On Mon, 11/23/09, Claudio Mori gonzales <> wrote:

From: Claudio Mori gonzales <>
Subject: Re: [SALUD_LORETO] la no costosa Niacina es mejor que Ezetimibe(zetia)
To: "interno_residente_medico_PERU" <>
Date: Monday, November 23, 2009, 12:48 PM


niacina mejor que ezetimibe sin embargo los peruanos no la toleran bien

The New York Times

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Printer Friendly Format Sponsored By

November 16, 2009

Study Raises Questions About Cholesterol Drug's Benefit

ORLANDO, Fla. — For patients taking a statin to control high cholesterol, adding an old standby drug, niacin, was superior in reducing buildup in the carotid artery to adding Zetia, a newer drug that reduces bad cholesterol, according to a new study.
The results of the study, published in The New England Journal of Medicine, were presented here Sunday night at an annual meeting of the American Heart Association.
The study has been a polarizing topic here and has also attracted the attention of a powerful senator who has been investigating the conduct of two drug makers, Merck and Schering-Plough, in relation to their sales and marketing of Zetia and a combination cholesterol drug, Vytorin, which includes Zetia. The drug makers merged this month.
The small study, with only 208 patients, has attracted outsize attention because the researchers did a head-to-head comparison of niacin and Zetia, which has been heavily marketed.
The Food and Drug Administration approved Zetia in 2002 to lower bad cholesterol, a risk factor for heart disease. But the drug has not yet proved to have a longer-term clinical benefit in reducing heart attacks and deaths. Merck, the maker of the drug, is conducting a clinical trial on that issue involving up to 18,000 patients. Statins like Lipitor have proved in studies to significantly lower the risk of heart attack.
Some cardiologists here hailed the study as an indication that the popularity of Zetia and Vytorin, which had combined sales last year of about $4.6 billion, has far outstripped their evidence of a concrete benefit on heart health. Other doctors here dismissed the study because it did not directly measure the drugs' effects on reducing heart attacks.
Nevertheless, this study has the potential to make big waves in the use of cholesterol drugs.
"It will certainly strengthen the idea that, after you give a statin, the weight of the evidence is that, as a second agent, you should give niacin," said Dr. Roger S. Blumenthal, a professor of medicine at the Johns Hopkins University Medical School. "That is the implication of the study."
But Dr. Peter S. Kim, the president of Merck Research Laboratories, said Sunday in an interview that the study was limited because it did not compare the groups of patients taking a statin and a second drug to a placebo group. Furthermore, he said, a drug's ability to improve artery-wall thickness has not been proved to automatically correlate with a reduction in heart attacks.
Zetia, he said, lowers bad cholesterol and lowering bad cholesterol is a known good.
The study results "should be compared to the overwhelming body of evidence that lowering LDL cholesterol is an important thing to do to improve cardiovascular health," Dr. Kim said.
The study randomly assigned patients who were taking a statin and who had heart disease or a risk of heart disease to additionally take either Zetia or Niaspan.
Statins are a class of drug which lowers LDL, known as bad cholesterol because it can cause arterial thickening and lead to heart problems. The drugs work by inhibiting the production of cholesterol in the liver.
Zetia, which inhibits the absorption of cholesterol in the intestines, lowers bad cholesterol.
Niaspan is a prescription extended-release form of niacin, not the over-the-counter vitamin. Niacin increases HDL, known as "good cholesterol." Niaspan is made by Abbott Laboratories, which financed the study.
Over the course of the 14-month study, the bad cholesterol of the patients on Zetia decreased by 19.2 percent, but the patients' arterial wall thickness stayed the same, the study said. In the niacin group, good cholesterol increased by 18.4 percent and the carotid wall thickness decreased.
By itself, the study does not have major significance, said Dr. James H. Stein, a professor at the University of Wisconsin medical school. But taken in the context of more than 30 years of research on and use of niacin, he said, the study adds to the weight of evidence that it can a great benefit to patients with heart disease, he said. "Compare that to Zetia where there is not a shred of evidence that it does anything good for blood vessels or heart disease," Dr. Stein said.
On Friday, Senator Charles E. Grassley, Republican of Iowa, wrote to the Department of Health and Human Services, asking its director, Kathleen Sebelius, what action she intended to take in light of the study results. Mr. Grassley sits on the Senate Finance Committee which has jurisdiction over Medicare and its drug spending. In 2006 and 2007, the drug makers made more than $300 million through Medicare Part D in sales of Vytorin, a drug that combines Zetia and a statin, Mr. Grassley wrote.
In response to a query from a reporter, a Merck spokesman said the small trial did not change the company's belief in the demonstrated ability of Zetia and Vytorin to reduce bad cholesterol.

You will remember a little of what you hear, some of what you read, considerably more of what you see but almost all of what you understand


Niacina es mejor que Ezetimibe(zetia) pero

niacina mejor que ezetimibe sin embargo los peruanos no la toleran bien
The New York Times

This copy is for your personal, noncommercial use only. You can order presentation-ready copies for distribution to your colleagues, clients or customers here or use the "Reprints" tool that appears next to any article. Visit for samples and additional information. Order a reprint of this article now.
Printer Friendly Format Sponsored By

November 16, 2009

Study Raises Questions About Cholesterol Drug's Benefit

ORLANDO, Fla. — For patients taking a statin to control high cholesterol, adding an old standby drug, niacin, was superior in reducing buildup in the carotid artery to adding Zetia, a newer drug that reduces bad cholesterol, according to a new study.
The results of the study, published in The New England Journal of Medicine, were presented here Sunday night at an annual meeting of the American Heart Association.
The study has been a polarizing topic here and has also attracted the attention of a powerful senator who has been investigating the conduct of two drug makers, Merck and Schering-Plough, in relation to their sales and marketing of Zetia and a combination cholesterol drug, Vytorin, which includes Zetia. The drug makers merged this month.
The small study, with only 208 patients, has attracted outsize attention because the researchers did a head-to-head comparison of niacin and Zetia, which has been heavily marketed.
The Food and Drug Administration approved Zetia in 2002 to lower bad cholesterol, a risk factor for heart disease. But the drug has not yet proved to have a longer-term clinical benefit in reducing heart attacks and deaths. Merck, the maker of the drug, is conducting a clinical trial on that issue involving up to 18,000 patients. Statins like Lipitor have proved in studies to significantly lower the risk of heart attack.
Some cardiologists here hailed the study as an indication that the popularity of Zetia and Vytorin, which had combined sales last year of about $4.6 billion, has far outstripped their evidence of a concrete benefit on heart health. Other doctors here dismissed the study because it did not directly measure the drugs' effects on reducing heart attacks.
Nevertheless, this study has the potential to make big waves in the use of cholesterol drugs.
"It will certainly strengthen the idea that, after you give a statin, the weight of the evidence is that, as a second agent, you should give niacin," said Dr. Roger S. Blumenthal, a professor of medicine at the Johns Hopkins University Medical School. "That is the implication of the study."
But Dr. Peter S. Kim, the president of Merck Research Laboratories, said Sunday in an interview that the study was limited because it did not compare the groups of patients taking a statin and a second drug to a placebo group. Furthermore, he said, a drug's ability to improve artery-wall thickness has not been proved to automatically correlate with a reduction in heart attacks.
Zetia, he said, lowers bad cholesterol and lowering bad cholesterol is a known good.
The study results "should be compared to the overwhelming body of evidence that lowering LDL cholesterol is an important thing to do to improve cardiovascular health," Dr. Kim said.
The study randomly assigned patients who were taking a statin and who had heart disease or a risk of heart disease to additionally take either Zetia or Niaspan.
Statins are a class of drug which lowers LDL, known as bad cholesterol because it can cause arterial thickening and lead to heart problems. The drugs work by inhibiting the production of cholesterol in the liver.
Zetia, which inhibits the absorption of cholesterol in the intestines, lowers bad cholesterol.
Niaspan is a prescription extended-release form of niacin, not the over-the-counter vitamin. Niacin increases HDL, known as "good cholesterol." Niaspan is made by Abbott Laboratories, which financed the study.
Over the course of the 14-month study, the bad cholesterol of the patients on Zetia decreased by 19.2 percent, but the patients' arterial wall thickness stayed the same, the study said. In the niacin group, good cholesterol increased by 18.4 percent and the carotid wall thickness decreased.
By itself, the study does not have major significance, said Dr. James H. Stein, a professor at the University of Wisconsin medical school. But taken in the context of more than 30 years of research on and use of niacin, he said, the study adds to the weight of evidence that it can a great benefit to patients with heart disease, he said. "Compare that to Zetia where there is not a shred of evidence that it does anything good for blood vessels or heart disease," Dr. Stein said.
On Friday, Senator Charles E. Grassley, Republican of Iowa, wrote to the Department of Health and Human Services, asking its director, Kathleen Sebelius, what action she intended to take in light of the study results. Mr. Grassley sits on the Senate Finance Committee which has jurisdiction over Medicare and its drug spending. In 2006 and 2007, the drug makers made more than $300 million through Medicare Part D in sales of Vytorin, a drug that combines Zetia and a statin, Mr. Grassley wrote.
In response to a query from a reporter, a Merck spokesman said the small trial did not change the company's belief in the demonstrated ability of Zetia and Vytorin to reduce bad cholesterol.

You will remember a little of what you hear, some of what you read, considerably more of what you see but almost all of what you understand


viernes, 23 de octubre de 2009

para los que no las prefieren. TIAZIDAS

El 23 de octubre de 2009 21:48, Claudio Mori gonzales <> escribió:
Y AHORA que todo el mundo esta obsesionado con el seguro universal con las baja de costos en SaLUD sin perder calidad. Para los que gustan de marcas.
Se puede manejar hipertension con cinco soles al mes en farmacos, aja!!!!!!

viernes, 9 de octubre de 2009

martes, 7 de abril de 2009

Prophylactic Low-Dose Acetazolamide Reduces the Incidence and Severity of Acute Mountain Sickness

la evidencia esta en las referencias citadas pero puedo agregar unas mas.
Sin embargo hay que aclarar algunos conceptos. la enfermedad de las alturas se puede clasificar en tres cuadros: la enfermedad de la montana aguda cefalea nauseas vomitos anrexia fatiga lasitud para la cual es efectiva la prevencion con acetazolamida (y se dice que las dosis no deben ser menores de 750mg /dia). El Gingko bilova tambien parece ser efectivo.
el edema pumonar de altura en donde el nifedipino retard es efectivo en su profilaxis 20 mg cada horas 8 hs antes y despues de ascender incluso rapidamente. El uso de betaadrenergicos como el salmeterol tambien es efectivo.
Y el edema cerebral de altura ataxia desorientacion etc en donde la acetazolamida nuevamente es efectiva para prevenir. Cabe aclarar que estos farmacos pueden ser usados tambien para el tratamiento una vez con el cuadro delante junto con las otras medidas conocidas como oxigeno, oxigeno hiperbarico, descenso de altura, respiracion con presion positiva con mascara etc.[Jour]+AND+2[Volume]+AND+1241[page][Jour]+AND+325[Volume]+AND+1284[page][Jour]+AND+2[Volume]+AND+1241[page]


Y hay algun estudio (analitico) que avale su afirmacion?

Claudio Mori gonzales wrote:
> pero mas efectivo es el nifedipino retard (adalat) usado un dia antes y hasta dos dias despues de subir y tu mate de coca????????
> http://search. search?p= R&srid=S9%2d2&lbc=nejm&w=acute%20mountain&url=http%3a% 2f%2fcontent% 2enejm%2eorg% 2fcgi%2fcontent% 2fshort%2f346% 2f21%2f1606&rk=4&uid=227343862&sid=2&ts=subs&rsc=Cseqr56w: Mc:FVFr&method=and&isort=score&start%5fyear= 1999&start%5fmonth= 4&end%5fyear=2009&end%5fmonth= 4&rurl=yes&nurl=http%3a% 2f%2fcontent% 2enejm%2eorg% 2fcgi%2fcontent% 2ffull%2f346% 2f21%2f1606
> http://search. search?p= R&srid=S9%2d2&lbc=nejm&w=acute%20mountain&url=http%3a% 2f%2fcontent% 2enejm%2eorg% 2fcgi%2fcontent% 2fshort%2f346% 2f21%2f1631&rk=2&uid=227343862&sid=2&ts=subs&rsc=B:MsRYulpiwU7lv C&method=and&isort=score&start%5fyear= 1999&start%5fmonth= 4&end%5fyear=2009&end%5fmonth= 4&rurl=yes&nurl=http%3a% 2f%2fcontent% 2enejm%2eorg% 2fcgi%2fcontent% 2ffull%2f346% 2f21%2f1631
> http://search. search?p= R&srid=S9%2d2&lbc=nejm&w=acute%20mountain&url=http%3a% 2f%2fcontent% 2enejm%2eorg% 2fcgi%2fcontent% 2fshort%2f345% 2f2%2f107&rk=3&uid=227343862&sid=2&ts=subs&rsc=jRTzl3yBhn2neCe c&method=and&isort=score&start%5fyear= 1999&start%5fmonth= 4&end%5fyear=2009&end%5fmonth= 4&rurl=yes&nurl=http%3a% 2f%2fcontent% 2enejm%2eorg% 2fcgi%2fcontent% 2ffull%2f345% 2f2%2f107e coca????????
> http://search. search?p= R&srid=S9%2d2&lbc=nejm&w=acute%20mountain&url=http%3a% 2f%2fcontent% 2enejm%2eorg% 2fcgi%2fcontent% 2fshort%2f345% 2f17%2f1279&rk=1&uid=227343862&sid=2&ts=subs&rsc=nNi5BEbns5Xdr: 9J&method=and&isort=score&start%5fyear= 1999&start%5fmonth= 4&end%5fyear=2009&end%5fmonth= 4&rurl=yes&nurl=http%3a% 2f%2fcontent% 2enejm%2eorg% 2fcgi%2fcontent% 2ffull%2f345% 2f17%2f1279 ?
> El 6 de abril de 2009 13:05, Amilcar TINOCO SOLORZANO < jats18@yahoo. es > escribió:
> Hago llegar articulo: "Prophylactic Low-Dose Acetazolamide Reduces the Incidence and Severity of Acute Mountain Sickness" publicado en HIGH ALTITUDE MEDICINE & BIOLOGY Volume 9, Number 4, 2008 por Martha C. Tissot van Patot,Guy Leadbetter
> III,2 Linda E. Keyes, Kirsten M. Maakestad, Sheryl Olson, and Peter H. Hackett. En el cual plantean que las dosis bajas de acetazolamida 250 mg al dia disminuye la incidencia del mal de altura agudo grave o severo. para
> esto hacen un estudio randomizado placebo control donde estudian a 44 personas divididos en dos grupos grupo 1 : acetazolamida y grupo 2 placebo. A los dos grupos le inician acetazolamida/ placebo 3 dias antes del
> ascenso y mantienen al tratamiendo un dia mas durante su estancia en la altura. El ascenso es de 1600 m a 4300 m. Usan AMS-C y Lake Louise Symptom
> Score para diagnosticar y clasificar la severidad del mal de altura agudo. Concluyen que el grupo que uso Acetazolamida 250 mg/dia tuvo menor incidencia de mal de altura agudo severo. Cerro de Pasco - Peru ciudad localizada a 4300 msnm con una poblacion
> mayor de 120 mil personas, que constantemente esta en movimiento de zonas de menor altura (Lima 0 msnm) a la gran altura presenta freucentemente casos de Mal de Altura Agudo Severo; siendo esto casi en su totalidad en personas jovenes naturales de la altura, que luego
> de una estancia en ciudades de menor altura retornar. Esta diferencia no lo hace el presente estudio, lo cual seria un gran sesgo en sus resultados.
> Amilcar TINOCO SOLORZANO Medicina Intensiva
> Hospital II Pasco - EsSalud Servicio de Emergencia y Cuidados Intensivos 063-597016 - Anexo 126
> 063-422189 Clinica Los Andes 63-963629566

tegaserod y colon irritable

Pero luego la FDA lo ha aprobado para un  programa investigacional para mujeres menores de 50 con sintomas predominantemente de constipacion

lunes, 6 de abril de 2009

Prophylactic Low-Dose Acetazolamide Reduces the Incidence and Severity of Acute Mountain Sickness

pero mas efectivo es el nifedipino retard (adalat) usado un dia antes y hasta dos dias despues de subir
y tu mate de coca???????? coca????????

El 6 de abril de 2009 13:05, Amilcar TINOCO SOLORZANO <> escribió:

Hago llegar articulo: "Prophylactic Low-Dose Acetazolamide Reduces the
Incidence and Severity of Acute Mountain Sickness" publicado en HIGH
Volume 9, Number 4, 2008 por Martha C. Tissot van Patot,Guy Leadbetter
III,2 Linda E. Keyes, Kirsten M. Maakestad, Sheryl Olson, and Peter H.

En el cual plantean que las dosis bajas de acetazolamida 250 mg al dia
disminuye la incidencia del mal de altura agudo grave o severo. para
esto hacen un estudio randomizado placebo control donde estudian a 44
personas divididos en dos grupos grupo 1 : acetazolamida y grupo 2

A los dos grupos le inician acetazolamida/placebo 3 dias antes del
ascenso y mantienen al tratamiendo un dia mas durante su estancia en
la altura. El ascenso es de 1600 m a 4300 m. Usan AMS-C y Lake Louise
Symptom Score para diagnosticar y clasificar la severidad del mal de
altura agudo.

Concluyen que el grupo que uso Acetazolamida 250 mg/dia tuvo menor
incidencia de mal de altura agudo severo.

Cerro de Pasco - Peru ciudad localizada a 4300 msnm con una poblacion
mayor de 120 mil personas, que constantemente esta en movimiento de
zonas de menor altura (Lima 0 msnm) a la gran altura presenta
freucentemente casos de Mal de Altura Agudo Severo; siendo esto casi
en su totalidad en personas jovenes naturales de la altura, que luego
de una estancia en ciudades de menor altura retornar. Esta diferencia
no lo hace el presente estudio, lo cual seria un gran sesgo en sus

Medicina Intensiva
Hospital II Pasco - EsSalud
Servicio de Emergencia y Cuidados Intensivos
063-597016 - Anexo 126 063-422189 Clinica Los Andes 63-963629566 CERRO DE PASCO - PASCO - PERU


domingo, 5 de abril de 2009

manejo de insuficiencia cardiaca diastolica pura

tratamiento de la insuficiencia cardiaca diastolica pura disnea fatiga congestion pulmonar (hipertensio isquemia etc) TD >250 ms TRIV menor de 70 ms
nitritados isorbibe, 10 a 20 mg cada 6 horas los primeros cuatro dias luego 10 0 20 mg 7 am y 5 pm
dinitrato de isosorbide
furosemida o hidroclorotiazida
inhibidores eca bloqueadores de receptores de angiotensina betabloqueadores calcioantagonistas
no digoxina

profilaxis de migrana

tratamiento profilactico de la migrana
indicaciones mas de tres crisis al mes
propranolol 40 mg cada 12 horas por 8 meses
sino trabaja agregar valproato de sodio 500 mg a la hora de dormir
si hay contraindicacion mara propranolol se puede usar diltiazen 60 mg cada 8 horas

tratamiento del Herpes Zoster

tratamiento del Herpes Zoster
aciclovir 800 mg (tabletas de 200 mg) 4 tabletas cinco veces al dia por siete dias
valacyclovir 1 gramo cada 8 hotras por siete dias (tabletas de 500 mg)
famcyclovir tabletas de 125, 250, 500 mg. Dosis 1 gramos cada 8 horas por siete dias.
prednisona 2o mg cada 12 horas por cinco dias

nuevos retos, cuanto se?

Esta semana me encontre con varios desafios:
 como se maneja la menopausia,
la depresion
el colon irritable con depresion
el hespes zoster
la migrana su prevencion
la paralisis de Bell
el sindrome de QT largo
la insuficiencia  carciaca distolica pura
una taquicardia paroxistica supraventricular por reeentrada auriculoventricular (pr corto)